Here's what you will need in your project:
Files under Web App Libraries:
File under \WebContent\js:
In your web.xml
<servlet> <description> </description> <display-name>IncentiveClaimAjaxServlet</display-name> <servlet-name>IncentiveClaimAjaxServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.web.servlet.IncentiveClaimAjaxServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>IncentiveClaimAjaxServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/IncentiveClaimAjaxServlet</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
In external javascript (IncentiveClearinghouse.js):
function submitComment(incentiveClaim, btnElement) { var newComment = $("#comment-input").val(); $("#comment-input").val(""); //clear the comment textarea $("#dialog-form").dialog( "close" ); //close the dialog incentiveClaim.approverComments = newComment; //alert(JSON.stringify({incentiveClaimJSONDTO: incentiveClaim})); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/IncentiveClearinghouseWeb/IncentiveClaimAjaxServlet?queueName=" + gQueueName + "&division=" + gDivision + "&user=" + gUser, //For the Jackson ObjectMapper to work on the server side - the KEY you assign to the JSON object (e.g. 'incentiveClaimJSONDTO') //should be the same name as the property of the Java object it will map to (e.g. 'IncentiveClaimJSONWrapper.incentiveClaimJSONDTO) data: JSON.stringify({incentiveClaimJSONDTO: incentiveClaim}), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", dataType: "json", success: function(response){ var message = response[0].message; if (response[0].type == "S" && incentiveClaim.claimStatus != "U") { //if SAP response is success and status is Approve or Reject then update the admin comments in the DOM updateAdminComment(newComment, btnElement); //and replace buttons with the response success message showRespMsg(message, btnElement); } else if (response[0].type == "S" && incentiveClaim.claimStatus == "U") { //if SAP response is success and status is Update then update the admin comments in the DOM updateAdminComment(newComment, btnElement); } else if (response[0].type == "E") { //if SAP response is error then alert the response error message alert('Error: \n' + message); } }, error: function(e){ alert('Error: \n' + e); } }); }
In jsp (ICHClaimList.jsp):
<td class="<c:out value="${tdClass}" />"> <button id="approveBtn" onclick="approve('${incentiveClaimDTO.dealerId}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.incentiveType}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.invoiceNumber}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.lineNbr}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.model}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.serialNumber}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.programId}', this);">Approve</button> <button id="rejectBtn" onclick="reject('${incentiveClaimDTO.dealerId}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.incentiveType}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.invoiceNumber}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.lineNbr}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.model}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.serialNumber}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.programId}', this);">Reject</button> <button id="updateBtn" onclick="update('${incentiveClaimDTO.dealerId}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.incentiveType}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.invoiceNumber}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.lineNbr}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.model}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.serialNumber}', '${incentiveClaimDTO.programId}', this);">Update</button> </td>
In servlet (
public class IncentiveClaimAjaxServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final LogHelper LOG = new LogHelper(this.getClass()); private String user; protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String method = "doPost()"; LOG.debug(method, "START"); String queueName = request.getParameter("queueName"); String division = request.getParameter("division"); user = request.getParameter("user"); try { ArrayList<IncentiveClaimResponseDTO> responseList = executeTask(request); //set response type to JSON response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setHeader("cache-control", "no-cache"); //initiate jackson mapper ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); //send the JSON response to client mapper.writeValue(response.getOutputStream(), responseList); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error("Exception Processing AJAX Request: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new ServletException(ex); } } public ArrayList<IncentiveClaimResponseDTO> executeTask(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, ServletException { //get received JSON data from request String jsonString = ""; try { jsonString = getBody(request); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.debug("Error in retrieving the JSON payload from the request"); } LOG.debug("--------------------------------------"); LOG.debug("JSON: \n" + jsonString); //initiate jackson mapper ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); IncentiveClaimJSONWrapper incentiveClaimJSONWrapper = new IncentiveClaimJSONWrapper(); IncentiveClaimService claimService = IncentiveClaimService.getInstance(); ArrayList<IncentiveClaimResponseDTO> responseList = new ArrayList<IncentiveClaimResponseDTO>(); try { //convert JSON object to java object incentiveClaimJSONWrapper = mapper.readValue(jsonString, IncentiveClaimJSONWrapper.class); IncentiveClaimJSONDTO incentiveClaimJSONDTO = incentiveClaimJSONWrapper.getIncentiveClaimJSONDTO(); responseList = claimService.processIncentive(mapJsonDTOToRequest(incentiveClaimJSONDTO)); } catch (IncentiveClearinghouseException icex) { //errors.add(Constants.ERROR_MSG_CONSTANTS.ACTION_PROCESSING_ERROR, new ActionMessage("errors.decision.action", "Error Code: " + icex.getErrorCode(), "Exception: " + icex.getMessage())); LOG.error("IncentiveDecisionAction Error: " + icex.getMessage()); icex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { //errors.add(Constants.ERROR_MSG_CONSTANTS.ACTION_PROCESSING_ERROR, new ActionMessage("errors.decision.action", "Error Code: " + Constants.EXCEPTION_CONSTANTS.ACTION_EXCEPTION, "Exception: " + ex.getMessage())); LOG.error("IncentiveDecisionAction Error: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } return responseList; } public String getBody(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = null; String json = ""; try { br = request.getReader(); if(br != null){ json = br.readLine(); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (br != null) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; } } } return json; } private IncentiveClaimDTO mapJsonDTOToRequest(IncentiveClaimJSONDTO incentiveClaimJSONDTO) throws IncentiveClearinghouseException { IncentiveClaimDTO claimDTO = new IncentiveClaimDTO(); try { claimDTO.setApproverComments(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getApproverComments()); if( incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getDealerId() != null && !incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getDealerId().equals("") ) claimDTO.setDealerId(Integer.parseInt(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getDealerId())); claimDTO.setClaimStatus(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getClaimStatus()); claimDTO.setIncentiveType(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getIncentiveType()); claimDTO.setInvoiceNumber(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getInvoiceNumber()); claimDTO.setLineNbr(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getLineNumber()); claimDTO.setModel(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getModel()); claimDTO.setModUserId(user); claimDTO.setProgramId(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getProgramId()); claimDTO.setSerialNumber(incentiveClaimJSONDTO.getSerialNumber()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IncentiveClearinghouseException(Constants.EXCEPTION_CONSTANTS.ACTION_EXCEPTION, "Exception Mapping FormBean to Request"); } return claimDTO; } }
The DTOs:
public class IncentiveClaimResponseDTO { private String field; private String id; private String logMsgNo; private String logNo; private String message; private String messageV1; private String messageV2; private String messageV3; private String messageV4; private String number; private String parameter; private BigInteger row; private String system; private String type; public IncentiveClaimResponseDTO() { } public String getField() { return field; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getLogMsgNo() { return logMsgNo; } public String getLogNo() { return logNo; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public String getMessageV1() { return messageV1; } public String getMessageV2() { return messageV2; } public String getMessageV3() { return messageV3; } public String getMessageV4() { return messageV4; } public String getNumber() { return number; } public String getParameter() { return parameter; } public BigInteger getRow() { return row; } public String getSystem() { return system; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setField(String field) { this.field = field; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public void setLogMsgNo(String logMsgNo) { this.logMsgNo = logMsgNo; } public void setLogNo(String logNo) { this.logNo = logNo; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public void setMessageV1(String messageV1) { this.messageV1 = messageV1; } public void setMessageV2(String messageV2) { this.messageV2 = messageV2; } public void setMessageV3(String messageV3) { this.messageV3 = messageV3; } public void setMessageV4(String messageV4) { this.messageV4 = messageV4; } public void setNumber(String number) { this.number = number; } public void setParameter(String parameter) { this.parameter = parameter; } public void setRow(BigInteger row) { this.row = row; } public void setSystem(String system) { this.system = system; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + " {\n\tfield: " + field + "\n\tid: " + id + "\n\tlogMsgNo: " + logMsgNo + "\n\tlogNo: " + logNo + "\n\tmessage: " + message + "\n\tmessageV1: " + messageV1 + "\n\tmessageV2: " + messageV2 + "\n\tmessageV3: " + messageV3 + "\n\tmessageV4: " + messageV4 + "\n\tnumber: " + number + "\n\tparameter: " + parameter + "\n\trow: " + row + "\n\tsystem: " + system + "\n\ttype: " + type + "\n}"; } }
public class IncentiveClaimJSONWrapper implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4804830588834912345L; private IncentiveClaimJSONDTO incentiveClaimJSONDTO; public IncentiveClaimJSONDTO getIncentiveClaimJSONDTO() { return incentiveClaimJSONDTO; } public void setIncentiveClaimJSONDTO(IncentiveClaimJSONDTO incentiveClaimJSONDTO) { this.incentiveClaimJSONDTO = incentiveClaimJSONDTO; } }
public class IncentiveClaimJSONDTO implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8439021168470172893L; private String claimStatus; private String dealerId; private String incentiveType; private String invoiceNumber; private String lineNumber; private String model; private String serialNumber; private String programId; private String approverComments; public String getClaimStatus() { return claimStatus; } public void setClaimStatus(String claimStatus) { this.claimStatus = claimStatus; } public String getDealerId() { return dealerId; } public void setDealerId(String dealerId) { this.dealerId = dealerId; } public String getIncentiveType() { return incentiveType; } public void setIncentiveType(String incentiveType) { this.incentiveType = incentiveType; } public String getInvoiceNumber() { return invoiceNumber; } public void setInvoiceNumber(String invoiceNumber) { this.invoiceNumber = invoiceNumber; } public String getLineNumber() { return lineNumber; } public void setLineNumber(String lineNumber) { this.lineNumber = lineNumber; } public String getModel() { return model; } public void setModel(String model) { this.model = model; } public String getSerialNumber() { return serialNumber; } public void setSerialNumber(String serialNumber) { this.serialNumber = serialNumber; } public String getProgramId() { return programId; } public void setProgramId(String programId) { this.programId = programId; } public String getApproverComments() { return approverComments; } public void setApproverComments(String approverComments) { this.approverComments = approverComments; } }
That's it.
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